Have a Happy Joyous Chanukah!
Here are some of our family favorite books, films, games, and music for Chanukah
.C I T I N E R A R I E S | Smarket | Holidays | Chanukah
..Books | Films | Games | Music
Harvest of Light (Hanukkah)
Follow the tiny spring flowers blossom into green fruit, then ripen into shiny black olives. Watch as the olives are gathered, sorted, and pressed into oil. Then celebrate Hanukkah with an Israeli family as they use the oil to light their Hanukkah menorah.
Just Enough Is Plenty: A Hanukkah Tale (Picture Puffins)
Maccabees – The Story of Hanukkah
The stories of acclaimed writer Isaac Bashevis Singer find new life in animation.
Flory Jagoda | Kantikas Di Mi Nona (Songs of My Grandmother)
Flory Jagoda | La Nona Kanta (the Grandmother Sings)
Twas the Night Before Hanukkah
The Musical Battle between Christmas and the Festival of Lights
Woody Guthrie’s Happy Joyous Hanukkah
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