Category Archives: .US

SAN FRANCISCO: Last Day of Summer Vacation…

Hook Fish… yum… Guo Pei… sold out… Land’s End… to be repeated!

Posted in .Lands_End, .restaurant, .SAN_FRANCISCO | Leave a comment

SUMMER TRIP: Asilomar & Salinas

Asilomar… beach… Coast Trail… The Great Tide Pool… Steinbeck Itinerary! John Steinbeck’s Pacific Grove . pdf National Steinbeck Center’s Educational Resources

Posted in .Asilomar_Beach, .Julia's, 2022.08.AsilomarSalinas, John Steinbeck | Leave a comment

WEEKEND WISH: Imagination Unlimited

The Jim Henson Exhibition that is… delightful… and sad at the same time…

Posted in .Contemporary_Jewish_Museum, .exhibition | Leave a comment

WEEKEND WISH: Computer History Museum!

A new wish… a young passion… a gem of a museum!

Posted in .Computer_History_Museum | Leave a comment


From the redwood forest… nesting woods… Painted Barrels… forest bathe… Seep Zone… to the beach… wharf… Santa Cruz Blues… a weekend wish fulfilled!

Posted in .Municipal_Wharf, .redwood, .Santa_Cruz, .UCSC | Leave a comment

SARATOGA: Madrone Trail

Starting a new thing this summer… the weekend wish… Sanborn Park on short notice… monkeyflowers… redwoods… toyon… discovering Madrone Trail! Greetings from California!

Posted in .postcard, .Sanborn_Park, hike | Leave a comment

DAY TRIP: A Friday Afternoon at Dolores Park

Valencia Street… Tartine Bakery… Dolores Park… repeat 🙂 Cloudy Mission… Dolores Rainbow… Twin Peaks… Karl the Fog 🙂

Posted in .Dolores_Park, Tartine Bakery | Leave a comment

DAY TRIP: San Francisco Celebration

Hook Fish… Bison Paddock… Art in the Park… Blooming Buckeyes… Cherry Blossoms… Farewell to Spring… windmill & blooms… let us sow LOVE… THIS IS SAN FRANCISCO!

Posted in .Golden_Gate_Park | Leave a comment

0.TULUM 2022: SFO

Tesla… HI… SFO… art surprises… Victorian Wall paper… vintage math exhibit… missed… 3 year hiatus… blue deer… everywhere a color… memories… shining paths… Fly, Flight, Fugit… No Other Lands Their Glory Know… strawberry moon forever… ¡Baile!

Posted in .art, .museum, .SFO, 2022.06.Tulum | Leave a comment

FRUITINERARIES: Oranges & Strawberries…

Montana De Oro Wood Strawberry… and more jellybeans… you know, for the habitat! As for oranges… the Washington Navel Orange Tree it is! …the Washington navel orange tree was first imported to the United States from the Brazilian city of … Continue reading

Posted in .California_Citrus_State_Historic_Park, .orange, .oranges, .Riverside, .strawberries | Leave a comment