Category Archives: .Lake_Tahoe

WINTER TIME: Snow Record

Snowing 7 inches per hour… the most snow ever recorded in 12 hour… snowed in… snow workout… fairy meadow… sledding…… snow moon… GBBO… festive edition… Neujahrskonzert 2023… Happy New Year!

Posted in .New_Year, .Page_Meadows, .VIENNA, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe, _concert | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: Silent Snow

Rain to snow… silent morning… pure beauty! Snow removal… snowmom time 🙂 Too much snow… power off… getting ready for a candlelight new year… power is back… crepes… Spanish affair… Christmas Lecture… Happy New Year!

Posted in .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment


We hoped for snow… rain came in first… pounding uninterruptedly… returning the skis… no charge for a rainy day… thank you Tahoe Dave! Reading in the rain… ’tis the gift to enjoy… acqua cotta… Agnolotti alla Piemontese… gougères 🙂 ‘Tis … Continue reading

Posted in .gougères, .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: Xcountry Cabin

A great vacation has at least one slow day… wake up on vacation time… breakfast together… Xcountry adventure… snow meadow… almost all for ourselves… except some happy dogs and people 🙂 Looking forward to the next local meadow day! Late … Continue reading

Posted in .film, .Page_Meadows, .SOUTH_KOREA, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: Snow Meadow

Rain to snow… morning blues… meadow snow walk… time for Tahoe Dave’s X… and Commons Beach! On a low-key note… a trip to Paris… with Miss Harris… the Paris dream movie night 🙂

Posted in .film, .Page_Meadows, .Paris, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe, _ski | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: A Wish a Day…

GBBO game… bullet journal… bridge… short outing… weather permitting 🙂 Raining… reading… The Prague Cemetery… Bicerin… Bavareisa… New Moon Food! Bavareisa – Ricette GialloZafferano Movie night… Addams Family Values

Posted in .book, .coffee, .film, .food, .history, .Page_Meadows, .PIEDMONT, .recipe, .Tahoe_City, .TURIN, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME… Not Kidding :-)

If it’s winter… it’s Tahoe… Pinocchio!

Posted in .animated, .film, .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

8.TRUCKEE: Snow Rush

Moving to Truckee… hoping for the grand opening… 80E first… another night in the snow… with a view to 80W… leaving early in the morning… happy end… magic trip!

Posted in .Truckee, 2021.12.Tahoe | Leave a comment

7.TAHOE: Snowed In Folks!

2021 is off to a stormy end… hoping for a happy return… maybe tomorrow?

Posted in .Tahoe_City, 2021.12.Tahoe | Leave a comment

6.TAHOE: One More Night

Last day of the winter trip… or is it?

Posted in .Tahoe_City, 2021.12.Tahoe | Leave a comment