Category Archives: .Montalvo

aWorld2Celebrate: Take a Hike Day!

Learned that today is National Take a Hike Day, a good and healthy reason to celebrate!

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DAY TRIP: Villa Montalvo

In search of a sugar pine… for an art exchange winter holiday project… another view of Villa Montalvo… Creando Espacio… Sugar Bush… Rolling Counterpoint… Four Bridges… to be continued…

Posted in .Montalvo, .tree | Leave a comment

MONTALVO: Final Fridays

We finally made it to the Final Friday in May 🙂 We were very curious to see the outcome of the Dwellings project and enjoyed building a few more cardboard houses, discovered what Happiness is…, and even took a surprising … Continue reading

Posted in .art, .Montalvo, .photo, .video, .world | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


A wonderful art workshop and a nice hike at Montalvo!

Posted in .art, .guide, .map, .Montalvo, .photo, .Saratoga, .video, .what, hike, workshop | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment