Category Archives: .Sinaia

10. RO: A Castle, A Fortress…

After a delicious breakfast at Conacul Brătescu we walk our short way to Bran Castle… time for the little ones to learn about the history… and the legend… the castle was decently crowded… had the chance to join a guided … Continue reading

Posted in .2017.06-07.Spain-Ro, .accommodation, .Bran_Castle, .hotel, .Pârâul_Rece, .Predeal, .Râşnov, .Râșnov_Fortress, .restaurant, .ROMANIA, .Sinaia | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

TRIP: 2017.06-07.Spain-RO

Ready for summer travel! Here’s a tentative itinerary with many old favorites, new things to try, a lot to discover, some places that will stay on the wish list for the next travels and room for surprises… ¡buen viaje! 0. … Continue reading

Posted in .2017.06-07.Spain-Ro, .Almagro, .BARCELONA, .Bran_Castle, .CASTILLA_LA MANCHA, .Córdoba, .Fundació_Joan_Miró, .Granada, .itinerary, .Lorca, .Nerja, .Peleș_Castle, .Sevilla, .Sinaia, .Toledo, .Tortosa, .VALENCIA, Joan Miró | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment