Category Archives: .Loire_Valley

22. FRANCE 2019: Amboise-Blois-Chantilly

Last day in Amboise… one last postcard and stroll… by Loire… Max Ernst fountain… Amboise is a place to enjoy slowly… back on the memory lane… to Blois… Au rendez-vous des pêcheurs… changing travel plans… to Claude Debussy Museum… on … Continue reading

Posted in .Amboise, .Blois, .Chantilly, .Hauts-de-France, .Île-de-France, .Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Claude Debussy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

21. AMBOISE: La Loire à vélo

No-picture-day… an all-biking-day… almost The Royal Way… through the lovely forest of Amboise… past vineyards… Dierre… to Bléré… grab lunch at L’Épi de blé… Ré… picnic on the plage… on the Valley of the Cher… to Chenonceau… Back to Amboise… … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .accommodation, .Amboise, .bike, .Bléré, .Chenonceau, .Dierre, Max Ernst | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

20. VAL-DE-LOIRE: Tintin & Gardens

To bike or not to bike… rain late morning… change of plans for a Tintin day… best day for kids, we hear 🙂 … a Garden Festival… wish we had more time for the gardens… they have a special story … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Amboise, .Chaumont, .Cheverny, .Cornerstone_Gardens | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

19. VAL-DE-LOIRE: Amboise

First things first… Sunday in Amboise is farmers market day… LE DIMANCHE À AMBOISE, C’EST MARCHÉ! Walking to the market… charming little streets… lovely Loire… most delicious strawberries with a hint of fraisier des bois… fromage de chevre… saucisses… pâté… … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Amboise, .cheese, .Clos_Lucé, .fruits, .market | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

18. VAL-DE-LOIRE: Saumur to Amboise

Another hot day in Loire Valley … to start in a troglodyte cave… the Saut-aux-Loups… mushroom cellars… too early for lunch… that’s what the next destination is for… Tours! We miss the marché artisanal in Tours… have lunch at Les … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Amboise, .mushroom, .restaurant, .Saumur, .sweets, .Tours | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

17. VAL-DE-LOIRE: The Castle Triangle

On a hot day… hide in a castle… repeat three times… from the playful Château-Musée de Saumur… to the enchantments of the Azay-le-Rideau… closing the castle triangle with the Renaissance gardens of Villandry… après-chateaux in Saumur… lively place… no reservation, … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Azay-le-Rideau, .Château_de_Beaulieu, .crêpe, .game, .Michelin, .restaurant, .Saumur, .Villandry | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

16. RENNES: Museum of Brittany

Driving day… from Bretagne to Val de Loire… with a book detour… in Becherel… playful gifts… Quels sont ces chateaux… D’ou viennent ces fromages… delicious desserts for the sweets collection… a cool exhibit on a hot day… Peuples du Froid… … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Becherel, .book, .history, .Loire_Valley, .photography, .Rennes, .Saumur | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment