Category Archives: .nature

PLANT ITINERARIES: More California Natives

Last native plants of the year… THE Ceanothus ‘Centennial’… and a few additions for the butterfly bed&breakfast…  Achillea millefolium ‘Sonoma Coast’  Asclepias speciosa / Showy Milkweed Ceanothus ‘Centennial’ Scutellaria antirrhinoides / Snapdragon skullcap

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PLANT ITINERARIES: Color & Fragrance

Never say last fall planting… unless you fall for the Peachy Keen Hummingbird Mint… and Salvia ‘Aromas’… the Purple Sage… the Evergreen Currant or Catalina Perfume… California Aster… you know, for the butterflies 🙂

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HIDDEN VILLA: California Native Plants

If it’s November it is seed sowing time… and the Santa Clara Valley Native Plant Sale for the last planting of the year… got a couple buckeye seeds as well… adding some California Color to the mix… the fall magic … Continue reading

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HIDDEN VILLA: Native Plant Sale

This gallery contains 9 photos.

If it is October it’s CNPS Santa Clara Valley Native Plant Sale… didn’t find the Ceanothus‘Centennial’… but found five plants to start the California native pots… Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Margarita BOP’ Monardella macrantha ‘Marian Sampson’ Sedum spathulifolium ‘Broad-leaved Stonecrop’ Dudleya caespitosa … Continue reading

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Rather a mini garden… with a monarch diner… or Butterfly Bed & Breakfast🙂 California Narrow Leaf Milkweed Sulphur Flower buckwheat – Annie’s Annuals Keep Monarchs Wild!

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CALIFORNIA: Native Herbs

Thinking of the Monardella villosa ‘Russian River’… hummingbird sage… native herbs… found this native herbs story and on CNPS Flora… ordered them and the Origanum vulgare ‘Compacta Nana’… finally starting our California herb garden!

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CALIFORNIA NATIVE: Galvezia Speciosa!

The California native design of our garden is beginning to take shape… found many plants we liked… got inspired by others… created spaces for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds… Here are some of the latest additions… …Galvezia Speciosa – “Island Bush Snapdragon” … Continue reading

Posted in .Bay_Area, .CA, .Channel_Islands, .Mt_Madonna, .nature, .plants, .Russian_River | Tagged , | Leave a comment


A day of flight… with all the associated delight… feels like a short commuting from London to Vienna… followed by a longer drive than we imagined… that makes us miss the Klimt Center on the Attersee… still enjoying the scenic … Continue reading

Posted in .hotel, .mountains, .restaurant, .Salzkammergut, 2018.06-07.LON-VIE-PMI, hike | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

LOS ALTOS: Hidden Villa…

… and native plant sale… finally joined the native plants gardening as we wanted to do it for a long time… until our old lawn died on us and we had to do something about it… and this is how … Continue reading

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BOOK: Butterflies on Carmen Street

Butterflies on Carmen Street/ Mariposas en la calle Carmen by Monica Brown Today is the day Julianita and her friends have been waiting for–they’re going to learn about monarch butterflies.

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