Category Archives: .oysters


Another cloudy day… with a chance of oysters, yay!… taking the slow route… via Pleudihen-sur-Rance… hmmm…. cider…on to the oyster market… with a parking detour… Cancale memories… La Ferme Marine… missed the English tour… now we know… French will learn! … Continue reading

Posted in .Cancale, .Dinan, .oysters, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO, UNESCO | Leave a comment

15. BRITTANY: Cancale & Saint-Malo

Today is the Cancale oyster day… we stop by the oyster farm… there is only a French tour in the afternoon… English in July… we try our luck in the town center… visit the Cancale Museum… learn about the scenic … Continue reading

Posted in .2019.06-07.France, .Cancale, .oysters, .St_Malo, hike | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

FRANCE: Collioure

Once upon pandemic time… looking back to the medieval travel memories… realizing that these citineraries were cut short… as was Ceret… on the way to Collioure… the birthplace of fauvisme… this was the source for our travel inspiration! It all … Continue reading

Posted in .2016.06-07.LON.HU.RO.BCN.UK, .bread, .Collioure, .escalivada, .food, .medieval, .oysters, Henri Matisse | Tagged | Leave a comment