07.27.Hungary: Pécs

Saturday surprise… Pécs… Art of SkateBauhausCultural Quarter

Vasarely MuseumMarcel Breuer


Nana… Túrógombóc… sweet Saturday!

Greetings from Pécs!

Bauhaus // Pécs

Explore the history of the Bauhäuslers in Pécs

Pécs Bauhauslers

Wonderful Bauhaus houses in Pécs

  1. Kaposvári Street: there is a house at the beginning and at the top of the street: the latter is the  Bálványi villa at number 17, built in 1934 . 
  2. Kalliwoda villa on Surányi út
  3. The “Bird’s Nest”, Alfréd Forbát’s small holiday home
  4. Hotel Kikelet

A cooling walk in the Zsolnay Quarter

Finding Art And Architecture In Pécs, Hungary

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