Monthly Archives: August 2023


Re-discovering Sinaia… slow-pace traveling…

Posted in .Sinaia, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO, travel | Leave a comment


Cloudy… with a lot of fresh greens… beautiful Cumpătu!

Posted in .Cumpătu, .Sinaia, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO | Leave a comment


Change of scenery… and transportation… traveling by train… unexpected, but cool!

Posted in .OTP, .Sinaia, .train, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO | Leave a comment


A whole day in Rouen… a special request… for a special day… continuing the impressionist itinerary… rendez-vous avec la lumière… Greetings from Rouen! Adding to the citinerary… Cathédrale Notre-Dame… Donjon de Rouen… Gros-Horloge… to be continued 🙂

Posted in .Cathédrale_Notre-Dame, .citinerary, .Donjon, .Maison_Sublime, .Rouen, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO | Leave a comment


Bye-bye beautiful Brittany… on to Normandie… continuing the Caen travel puzzle… with Le Mémorial de Caen… a tough visit… a history lesson… on to Rouen… travel memories…

Posted in .Caen, .Dinan, .Rouen, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO | Leave a comment


Today is the day… to explore Dinan… Greetings from Brittany! The port… medieval town… art galleries… jardin anglais… tour de l’horloge … promenades… Château de Dinan… a delightful place to return to… with a citinerary too! 🙂

Posted in .Dinan, 2023.07-08.UK.FR.RO | Leave a comment