Monthly Archives: December 2022

WINTER TIME: Silent Snow

Rain to snow… silent morning… pure beauty! Snow removal… snowmom time ๐Ÿ™‚ Too much snow… power off… getting ready for a candlelight new year… power is back… crepes… Spanish affair… Christmas Lecture… Happy New Year!

Posted in .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment


We hoped for snow… rain came in first… pounding uninterruptedly… returning the skis… no charge for a rainy day… thank you Tahoe Dave! Reading in the rain… ’tis the gift to enjoy… acqua cotta… Agnolotti alla Piemontese… gougรจres ๐Ÿ™‚ ‘Tis … Continue reading

Posted in .gougรจres, .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: Xcountry Cabin

A great vacation has at least one slow day… wake up on vacation time… breakfast together… Xcountry adventure… snow meadow… almost all for ourselves… except some happy dogs and people ๐Ÿ™‚ Looking forward to the next local meadow day! Late … Continue reading

Posted in .film, .Page_Meadows, .SOUTH_KOREA, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: Snow Meadow

Rain to snow… morning blues… meadow snow walk… time for Tahoe Dave’s X… and Commons Beach! On a low-key note… a trip to Paris… with Miss Harris… the Paris dream movie night ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in .film, .Page_Meadows, .Paris, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe, _ski | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME: A Wish a Day…

GBBO game… bullet journal… bridge… short outing… weather permitting ๐Ÿ™‚ Raining… reading… The Prague Cemetery… Bicerin… Bavareisa… New Moon Food! Bavareisa – Ricette GialloZafferano Movie night… Addams Family Values

Posted in .book, .coffee, .film, .food, .history, .Page_Meadows, .PIEDMONT, .recipe, .Tahoe_City, .TURIN, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

WINTER TIME… Not Kidding :-)

If it’s winter… it’s Tahoe… Pinocchio!

Posted in .animated, .film, .Tahoe_City, 2022.12-2023.01.Tahoe | Leave a comment

MOVIE NIGHT: Christmas in LA :-)

Christmas movies to the rescue… Kiss Kiss Bang Bang it is ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in .Christmas, .film, .Los_Angeles | Leave a comment


Too long a time since we visited SFMOMA… miss the kids workshops in the galleries… love Contemporary Optics… Conversation Pieces… a joy… Take Your Time! ‘Tis the Season… Tropisueno Tamales con mole poblano… San Francisco lights!

Posted in .design, .mural, .SFMOMA, Diego Rivera | Leave a comment


Plant Itineraries… California Natives… local species… Ceanothus ‘Ray Hartman’ originated by chance in 1929 at the Leonard Coates Nurseries in Morgan Hill… in our backyard now ๐Ÿ™‚ A hybrid of Ceanothus arboreus and Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. griseus that was collected … Continue reading

Posted in .ceanothus | Leave a comment

MOVIE NIGHT: We’re No Angels

Good old comedy for a rainy day ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in .film, Robert De Niro | Leave a comment