Monthly Archives: November 2021

SAN FRANCISCO: Highest Point

The highest point… after Thanksgiving… top views… great weather… Sutro Tower… finally! Twin Peaks bonus… Mission achieved… yummy Tartine gougeres… delightful chocolate baklava…

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Coyote Valley is on the hiking wish list for a while… just needed a booster for a happy hiking day!

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Welcome to our garden!

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CITINERARY: Rancho San Antonio

A classic 2h hiking itinerary… maybe longer… in spring with blooming wildflowers… popular but never disappoints… November highlights… follow the trail… . pdf Over the hills not very far away Coyote bush is the plant of the day Start at … Continue reading

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aWorld2Celebrate: Take a Hike Day!

Learned that today is National Take a Hike Day, a good and healthy reason to celebrate!

Posted in .Montalvo, hike | Leave a comment


November is… planting time… for California native wildflowers… Elegant Clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata)… Whorled Lupine (Lupinus microcarpus ‘Ed Gedling’)… Globe Gilia (Gilia capitata)… Godetia ‘Cattleya Lilac'(Clarkia amoena)… Tidy Tips (Layia platyglossa)… Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii)…

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DAY TRIP: Villa Montalvo

In search of a sugar pine… for an art exchange winter holiday project… another view of Villa Montalvo… Creando Espacio… Sugar Bush… Rolling Counterpoint… Four Bridges… to be continued…

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PLANT ITINERARIES: Wayside Manzanita & Coral Bells

November plant gift… Arctostaphylos hookeri… Wayside Manzanita or Inner Monterey Manzanita… one of the few manzanitas that does well as an understory plant… where it is planted… and a great candidate for a rock garden… thinking of another one in … Continue reading

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DAY TRIP: San Francisco… East Bay

Short morning trip to Hayward… just before the second rain of the season… returning on Mission Blvd… with a drizzling detour on Niles Canyon… driving in the rain… wishing to return as soon and sunny as possible… on Niles Canyon … Continue reading

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