SUMMER TRIP: Asilomar & Big Sur

Last day of July… refuge by the sea… sand dunes… buckwheat time… cloudy… with a chance of an electric sunset!

Bloomings from Asilomar: Sea Cliff Buckwheat  Postcard
Greetings from Asilomar! Postcard

Tide pools… swimming… Spanish Bay… Restless Sea… Julia’s… yum!

Greetings from Asilomar! Postcard

Bagel KitchenLafayette Bakery… to go… Big Sur…prize… iceplants removed to make room for colorful natives… beauty!

Bloomings from California: Sea Cliff Buckwheat Pos Postcard
Bloomings from California: Sea Cliff Buckwheat Pos Postcard
Bloomings from California: Sea Cliff Buckwheat Postcard
Greetings from California! Postcard

Garrapata State Park
Edible… Ice Plant
X: Big Sur Jewel

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