Monthly Archives: July 2020

CELEBRATE: Where to Invade Next

by Michael Moore a provocative comedy in which he will stop at nothing to figure out how to actually make America great again. Happy Independence Day!

Posted in .documentary, .FINLAND, .France, .GERMANY, .ICELAND, .ITALY, .NORWAY, .PORTUGAL, .SLOVENIA, .Tunisia, .US | Tagged | Leave a comment

DOCUMENTARY: The Machine That Made Us

A look at the story of Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the world’s first printing press in the 15th century, and an exploration of how and why the machine was invented. The printing press was the world’s first piece of mass-production … Continue reading

Posted in .Grand_Est, .Mainz, .Strasbourg | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit

Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit

Posted in .Algeria, .ancient, .Aphrodisias, .Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, .Gallipoli, .GREECE, .ISRAEL, .Istanbul, .ITALY, .Jerusalem, .Masada, .ROME, .SPAIN, .Trier, .UK | Tagged , | Leave a comment