Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit

Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit

The locations

  1. episode 1
    • Colle Albano, Rome, Italy
    • Scipios Tomb, via Appia, Rome, Italy
    • Capitoline Museums (The Capitoline Wolf)
    • Basilica Emilia, Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (Rape of the Sabines)
    • Lacus Curtius, Roman Forum, Rome, Italy
    • Servian Wall, via Antonio Salandra, Rome, Italy
    • Alba Fucens, L’Aquila, Italy
    • British Museum (Oath Coin)
    • Mediterranean Sea off the Egadi Islands (site of the battle in 241 BCE)
    • Museo Dell’Arsenale, Palermo, Italy
    • Corinth, Greece
    • Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece
    • Hierapolis Theatre, Turkey
    • Delos, Greece
    • Ponte Sisto, Rome, Italy
    • Pompey’s Theatre, via di Grotta Pinta, Rome, Italy
    • Alise-Sainte-Reine, France (the site of Caesar’s battle against Vercingetorix)
    • Alesia Museum, France
    • Largo Argentina, Rome, Italy (the site of Caesar’s murder)
    • Ara Pacis, Rome, Italy
    • Troy, Turkey
  2. episode 2
    • Checchino restaurant, Monte Testaccio, Rome, Italy
    • Utrecht University, Netherlands
    • Via Domitia, Ambrussum, France
    • Segovia, Spain
    • Ponte Sant’Angelo, Rome, Italy (Peutinger map)
    • Baena, Andalusia, Spain
    • Seville, Spain
    • Giralda Bell Tower, Seville, Spain
    • British Museum (amphorae)
    • Italica, Spain
    • MAN Museum, Madrid, Spain (Urso Tablets)
    • Mazzaron Mines, Spain
    • National Archaeological Museum (MAN), Madrid, Spain (Child tombstone)
    • British Museum, London (Roman coins)
    • Pantheon, Rome, Italy
    • British Museum (Roman pottery)
    • Hierapolis, Turkey (Zeuxis tombstone)
    • Ephesus, Turkey
    • Ephesus Museum, Turkey
    • Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, Italy
  3. episode 3
    • Yorkshire Museum (Ivory Bangle Lady)
    • Carteia, Spain
    • Constantine, Algeria
    • Timgad, Algeria
    • Tiddis, Algeria
    • Great North Museum, Newcastle (Urbicus’ inscription)
    • South Shields beach
    • British Museum (diplomata)
    • Arbeia, South Shields
    • Inscription of Claudius’ Speech, permanent home the Gallo-Roman Museum, Lyon, France
    • Roman Baths, Bath
    • London
    • Gallipoli, Turkey
    • Aphrodisias, Turkey
    • Lyon, France (Caracalla cutout)
  4. episode 4
    • Porta Nigra, Trier, Germany
    • Hadrian’s Wall, Northumberland
    • Canova Tadolini Restaurant, Rome, Italy (Elagabulus)
    • Pizzeria That’s Amore, Lyon, France
    • Aula Palatina, Constantine’s Basilica, Trier, Germany
    • Foro Boarium, Rome, Italy
    • Collezione Evan Gorga, Palazzo Altemps, Rome, Italy
    • Mithraeum at Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy
    • Masada, Israel
    • Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Israel
    • Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel
    • Museo Nazionale alle Terme, Rome, Italy (Christian tombstone)
    • Roman Amphitheatre, Nimes, France
    • Manchester Museum (Decius Libelli)
    • Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy (Constantine’s statue)
    • Istanbul, Turkey
    • Paul Valery Museum, Sete, France
    • Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Ultimate Rome: The town that captured Mary Beard’s heart
Timgad – UNESCO World Heritage Centre

The cult of Mary Beard

the idealistic, perhaps totally unrealistic, notion that if only we listened to each other, if only we argued more cogently, more tolerantly and with better grace, then we could make public discourse something better than it is.

This entry was posted in .Algeria, .ancient, .Aphrodisias, .Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, .Gallipoli, .GREECE, .ISRAEL, .Istanbul, .ITALY, .Jerusalem, .Masada, .ROME, .SPAIN, .Trier, .UK and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

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