11. NORMANDY: Honfleur

Late start on Honfleur roofs after the long Fête de la Musique night… yummy surprise downstairs… it’s the Saturday market… so many good looking and tasting cheese… and sausages… olives & marinated garlic… baguette tradition & pain au céréales… fruits & whatnot… not that makes a delicious lunch fresh from the market… cidre… we are off to a good start in Honfleur!

Ready for a gymnopédie… or three… at Maisons Satie… an ingenious museum in the the house where Erik Satie was born in 1866… very much enjoyed by kids… intriguing as well… need to learn more about Monsieur Satie and his musical journeys…

Eric Satie died famous but little known

Slow afternoon… under the spell of Satie… delightful discoveries in Le Jardin des Personnalités… to the Plage du Butin
Delicious dinner at Au P’tit Mareyeur
Wonderful evening walk…
Happy in Honfleur


MONSIEUR SATIE – a day in the life of Erik Satie

Erik Satie: a life less ordinary

Honfleur’s Vieux-Bassin

Jardin des Personnalités – Les plus beaux détours de France

La Cour Sainte Catherine


Maison Georges Larnicol

Normandy Secrets

Réseau des musées de Normandie

Sat. 06/22 Honfleur
Maisons Satie
La Route de fromage
Le Havre: A UNESCO World Heritage site
Les Bains des Docks
Musée d’art moderne André Malraux

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