LOS ALTOS: Hidden Villa…

… and native plant sale… finally joined the native plants gardening as we wanted to do it for a long time… until our old lawn died on us and we had to do something about it… and this is how our native adventure begins… Middlebrook Center… a lot of research into natives and water-wise landscape… to be continued

Plant discoveries:

  • Red: Monardella macrantha ‘Marian Sampson’
  • Scarlet Monardella
    Hummingbird Coyote Mint
    3-4″ tall x 6-8″ wide; rock garden or container;
    This unusual plant requires different garden conditions from those preferred by many of the more commonly encountered California native plants. Grow this monardella in bright partial shade (full sun in gardens near the coast) in well-drained soil. In low-elevation gardens, it will benefit from an occasional summer watering, once it has become established; if kept too dry through the summer, it will not survive. Flowers during the summer months, from June through August.

  • Yellow: Erigeron compositus ‘cutleaf daisy’
  • Dainty little wild flower that self seeds prolifically. It works well in a rock garden and prefers well drained soil. It blooms in early spring and its flowers add a cheerful presence to the early spring garden.
    Perennial from a tap-root, 3-25 cm. tall, the herbage densely glandular.
    Blooms: May – August

  • Yellow: Diplacus aurantiacus var. grandiflorus ‘Sticky Monkey flower’
  • California Monkey flower
    Genus Diplacus like dry rocky slopes. They can often be found growing in almost solid rock with very little moisture even on south facing slopes. They will often survive drought by going summer deciduous. Diplacus species are erect and woody in their growth habit. Monkey flowers are more floriferous in full sun but will tolerate part or even full shade.
    Diplacus grandiflorus is great for a bird garden, foliage color is green and type is deciduous.

  • Blue: Sisyrinchium ‘Devon Skies’ Blue-eyed Grass
  • Full sun or partial shade; 4-6 inches height; 6-8 inches spread; low/avg water; butterflies

While I was looking for Monardella Nana, these colorful finding made it to our pots 🙂

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