BOOK: India Unveiled

Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers?
A True Story

By Robert Arnett
Illustrated by Smita Turakhia

A library trip always ends with a treasure find 🙂

The charming true story set in India is about a boy who found the author’s wallet and could not understand why he should be rewarded for returning to the author what was his. The concept of accepting a reward for doing the right thing made no sense to him!

The delightful, vividly colorful illustrations take children on a picturesque, fun-filled journey through the exotic land. Though the setting is in India, the message is timeless and universal. With such beautiful illustrations and story, Finders Keepers? is an excellent picture book for parents and educators seeking to introduce children to lands beyond their borders. A great character education and a multicultural book.

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