PARIS: Day 1 | Tour Eiffel & Louvre

First things first, Tour Eiffel & Louvre! This was the top of our wish list and with a little help from a jetlagged morning… here we are, all Saint-Germain-des-Prés for ourselves, with all cafes closed on a Saturday very early morning 🙂 and first in line at Tour Eiffel!

We chose the stairs and by the time we got the tickets all lines were considerably longer… so we didn’t have much of a choice left when we learned we cannot take the elevator after the stairs… Oh well… like we didn’t know we have plenty of reasons to visit Paris again 🙂

Back on the ground we were looking for the Statue of Liberty. We missed it, but enjoyed a really great find, an exhibition of monumental sculptures by Edgardo Carmona, “Sculptures au fil de l’eau“.

A quick ride by metro brought us at Place de la Madeleine for lunch. The plan was for Fauchon, but somehow we ended up at a nearby cafe where the Croque Monsieur on Poilâne bread was a delicious surprise.

Next on the wish list, Mona Lisa! Well, with a detour through the History of the Louvre and Egyptian life. We wanted to try the Italian Renaissance Painting Trail too, but that will have to wait for the next time since we had two sleepy kids by the end of this mini tour.

LOUVRE: Play | Lupicatulus: stories and cartoons for children
A Closer Look | Explore 3D | Interactive Floor Plans | Kaleidoscope
Take a Fresh Look | Thematic Trails | Virtual Tours
The Carrousel and Tuileries Gardens | Le Louvre des Familles
The Louvre on iPhone and iPodTouch | My Museum Le Louvre on iPhone

My museum le Louvre (Trailer) from Paulette de My museum on Vimeo.

Tabblo: 2011.06.Paris1.Saint-Germain-des-Prés.Tour_Eiffel.Louvre

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