TEL AVIV: Neve Tzedek to the beach

Poze_London_Israel 890We didn’t plan too many itineraries in Israel, being ba aretz was the main thing. We had a lot of fun this way, but we’ve also missed by one day the WHITE NIGHT party in Tel Aviv, now it’s on our calendar and wish list for next year!

We decided to return to the White City to look for a gift, play some more, and take a Bauhaus tour. We’ve started in Neve Tzedek for the shopping itinerary.

Neve TzedekIt took us a while to find a parking place in Neve Tzedek, but here we are, on the charming Shabazi Street. We find our perfect gifts at SIGAL Fashion Jewelry. Now we need something for the baby too, and we find plenty of choices, from baby fashion at Babette to old-fashioned toys at Alice, but we cannot resist a colorful Simple Story in Hebrew!

At the end of Shabazi Street, at #9, just next to Suzanne Dellal Center, we stop for lunch at Suzanna Café. With an outdoor shaded patio it seems the best choice. And a most delicious one too! Out of ordinary mid east dishes with eggplant, goat cheese and pear, lamb, enjoyable atmosphere for all family!

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Another stroll through the rustic maze of narrow streets around Suzanne Dellal with a play stop at a small neighbourhood playground brought us to the beach. That was a main destination for us, because I remember a very nice playground in Charles Clore Park. Well, it’s still there, but in a not so good shape and under repairs… So we’re heading to the nearby small red playground to find another playworkout. That was nice too, but we hope that next time we’ll play at the newly refurbished playground… you know, for the kids 🙂

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By now it’s late afternoon, so we go back “inland” for a quick white tour

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This entry was posted in .beach, .design, .fashion, .Neve_Tzedek, .shop, .Suzanne_Dellal, 2009.05-06.LON.IL.RO.BCN, Bauhaus and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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